Starry Night 7.0.2 and Beyond

Development of Starry Night 7 is proceeding quickly, so I thought I'd take a sec to update everyone on what we're working on.

In the very short term, we'll release Starry Night 7.0.2, mostly to address crashes and other incompatibilities that weren't discovered during beta-testing. We're focusing on issues that make it difficult to use the app, and features that might be broken. I'm taking this week to true up the Equipment list too.

In the weeks to come, we're going to take a solid look at all of the feature requests, suggestions and comments all of you have made, as well as usability issues discovered by our Beta-Testers.

We'll be rewriting the Observation Logging feature, with a particular emphasis on sharing logs... with each other and with other applications. We'll be sure to enable importing of your V6 logs, not to worry!

In addition to improving all of the obvious observing features, we'll be looking at other ways to share experiences with your friends and co-observers, improve add-to and refine our databases, and improve the speed of the application.

Stick with us. Lots of interesting things to come.