The Super-Blood-Moon Lunar Eclipse

This Sunday evening, 9/27, stargazers will see a rare supermoon lunar eclipse. If you miss it, the next one isn't until 2033! What makes this event so special?

A Full Moon

First, the moon will be full, as it always must be for a lunar eclipse to occur. This is a special full moon, all on its own, because this is the harvest moon. Traditionally, this designation goes to the full moon closest to the autumnal equinox. In two years out of three, the harvest moon appears in September, but every third year it occurs in October.
At this time of year, corn, pumpkins, squash, beans, and wild rice—the chief Native American staples—are ready for gathering; and at the peak of the harvest, farmers could work into the night by the light of this full moon.
Most of the year, the moon rises an average of 50 minutes later each night, but for the few nights around the harvest moon, the moon seems to rise at nearly the same time each night: just 25 to 30 minutes later across the United States, and only 10 to 20 minutes later for much of Canada and Europe.

A Supermoon

Secondly, the full moon will be at its closest to Earth in all of 2015, what is known to astronomers as a perigee moon. In recent years this has become known as a “supermoon.” Perigee (meaning “closest to Earth”) occurs at 10 p.m. EDT, the moon being a mere 222,374 miles (357,877 km) from Earth.
In fact, the human eye can’t detect the 5 percent difference in size between the moon at perigee and the moon at apogee (farthest from Earth), but everyone who looks at the moon Sunday night will swear it looks bigger than usual. Partly that is because, when seen low on the horizon, the human eye and brain combine to create an optical illusion known as the moon illusion, whereby the moon (and other objects) seen close to the horizon seem larger than when seen overhead.
The moon is the same size regardless of how low or high it is above the horizon. To prove this to yourself, cut out a circle just big enough to block the moon at arm's length and use it to see for yourself that its size stays the same as it rises in the sky.
The only noticeable effect of a perigee moon is that the ocean tides will be a bit higher than usual for the day of full moon and the next three days.

A Total Lunar Eclipse

The third, and most important part of this special event, is that we will have a total eclipse of the moon. At most full moons, the sun, Earth and moon line up approximately, but because of the tilt of the moon’s orbit, the moon passes above or below the Earth’s shadow, and avoids being eclipsed.

At certain points in the moon’s orbit, sun, Earth, and moon line up exactly, and the Earth’s shadow falls across the face of the moon, and we have a lunar eclipse. This is what will happen Sunday night.

The moon’s shadow has two parts: a darker inner part called the umbra, and a lighter outer part called the penumbra. This is because the sun is not a point source of light, so its light leaks around the edge of the Earth, and results in an unsharp shadow. In passing through the Earth’s atmosphere, the light turns red or orange, so that the light that actually reaches the moon is tinted by thousands of sunsets and sunrises all around the periphery of the Earth.

One result of these multiple sunrises and sunsets is that the moon during an eclipse is often tinted red, which is the origin of the idea of a lunar eclipse being a “blood moon.” It isn’t a far stretch of the human imagination to turn this “blood moon” into a portent of disaster.

A lot has been made in the media of this eclipse being the fourth event in a foursome of total eclipses known as a “lunar tetrad.” There really is nothing unusual about four lunar eclipses in two years, since we usually average at least two lunar eclipses every year, though not all are total.
In fact, there was no tetrad of total eclipses at all, because the last lunar eclipse, on April 4, was not really a total eclipse. According to the usual way of calculating eclipses, the moon spent only 4 1/2 minutes in the umbral shadow, but recently this calculation method has been corrected, resulting in the April eclipse failing to be total at all.
This Sunday’s lunar eclipse is a true total eclipse, with the moon being in the umbra for a full hour and twenty-two minutes.

When To See It

Observers in eastern and central regions of North America will get to see the whole eclipse; those further west will see the moon rise already partially eclipsed. Observers in Europe and Africa will see the eclipse before dawn on Monday, September 28.
This brings up the question of dates and times, which often causes confusion. Even a usually reliable source like Canada’s Weather Network, got the date of this eclipse wrong.
Officially, mid-eclipse occurs on September 28 at 02:47 Universal Time, which is the same as Greenwich Mean Time (but NOT British Summer Time). Subtracting 4 hours, this places mid-eclipse in the Eastern Daylight Time zone at 10:47 p.m. on the evening of September 27; the date changes at midnight. So be sure you look for the eclipse on Sunday evening. If you wait until Monday evening, you will be a day late.

Here are the important times in Eastern Daylight Time; if you’re using CDT, MDT, or PDT, the times will be earlier by 1, 2, or 3 hours.
08:11:46  Moon enters penumbra
09:07:12  Moon enters outer edge of umbra
10:11:11  Moon completely in umbra
10:47:09  Mid-eclipse
11:23:07  Moon begins to emerge from umbra
12:27:06  Moon completely out of umbra
01:22:33  Moon leaves penumbra
As always, we look forward to your pictures of this beautiful event.

SkyWatching: Shadow Play on Jupiter

Jupiters rapidly moving moons constantly surprise us with their dance around the giant planet. There will be two spectacular shadow plays this week.

Jupiters moons are very small, even in a large telescope, but their shadows are slightly larger, and can often be seen crossing Jupiters face with a good amateur telescope. Ive seen the shadows with telescopes as small as 90mm aperture, but a telescope with 6-inch or larger aperture will show them much more clearly. Steady atmospheric seeing is also essential.

If you live on the eastern seaboard, look for Jupiter just after sunset on Wednesday, May 20 around 8:10 p.m. EDT. The first thing you will notice is that only two of Jupiters usual four moons are visible. Thats because two of the Moons, Io and Callisto, are in front of Jupiters disk, and are said to be in transit. You probably wont see Io, because its color and brightness blend in so well with the cloud tops behind it. You may be able to see Callisto because its dark surface stands out against Jupiters bright clouds. I usually see it as a tiny greyish spot. Look more closely, and youll see two small dark shadows on Jupiters face. One of these is Ios shadow, but the other is not the shadow of Callisto. Instead it is the shadow of Ganymede, off to Jupiters right. Thats because of the angle at which the sun is illuminating the tableau. 

On Wednesday night, May 20, the shadows of Jupiters moons Ganymede and Io will cross Jupiters face. This shows the shadows at 8:10 p.m. EDT, just after Ios shadow has started across, and just before Ganymedes shadow leaves.  Credit: Starry Night software.

Take another look later in the evening, around 9:55 p.m., and youll see that Ganymedes shadow has left the disk and that Ios shadow is about to be hidden behind Callisto. This will be the first time I have ever seen a moons shadow eclipsed by another moon. 

Nearly two hours later at 9:55 p.m., Ganymedes shadow has left, and Ios shadow is about to be eclipsed by the moon Callisto. The Great Red Spot is well placed close to Jupiter’s central meridian. Credit: Starry Night software.

Also keep a lookout for the Great Red Spot, though it is not nearly as great nor as red as it once was. Its more usually seen as a light notch in the North edge of Jupiters South Equatorial Belt. At moments of steady seeing, its salmon pink color may appear briefly.

A week later on May 27, the situation nearly repeats itself, but is about two hours later, making it more easily seen across the whole of North America. Ganymedes shadow starts across Jupiters face at 8:58 p.m. EDT. Ios shadow follows at 10:01 p.m., and both shadows are present until Ios shadow leaves at 12:18 a.m., followed by Ganymedes at 12:34 a.m. 

Exactly a week later, on Wednesday, May 27 at 10:05 p.m., the pattern repeats, except that the shadows are closer together and Callisto is no longer in front of Jupiter. Credit: Starry Night software.

Notice that at around 11:48 p.m., Ios faster moving shadow actually passes Ganymedes, and the two shadows merge.

At 11:48 p.m., Ios faster moving shadow catches up with Ganymedes, and the two shadows merge. Again, the Great Red Spot is well placed. Credit: Starry Night software.

Once again, the Great Red Spot should be in evidence.

If you live west of the Eastern time zone, be sure to subtract the appropriate corrections from the times given above: 1 hour for CDT, 2 hours for MDT, and 3 hours for PDT.

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